Monday, July 29, 2013

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld (review by Stephanie S. '17)

Uglies (Uglies, #1)Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Uglies opens with Tally Youngblood waiting for her sixteenth birthday. She is waiting for her operation to take place, which will make her a pretty. Tally is the youngest of her friends and is alone in Uglyville, since all of them have moved to New Pretty Town. She is ecstatic to move and rejoin her clique. Once every child reaches the age of sixteen, a surgery is performed to make them look absolutely perfect, but Tally soon finds out physical enhancement is not all that happens. Her new friend, Shay wants Tally to run away with her and stay ugly. Shay ends up running away, but Tally decides against it. The city authority, Special Circumstances, force her to to make one of the hardest decisions of her life: Rat out her best friend and find the runaway Uglies, or never have the operation and stay ugly for eternity. I would recommend this futuristic story to a reader of any age. - Stephanie S. '17

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