Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pyramids by Terry Pratchett (review by Mr. Silk)

Pyramids (Discworld, #7)Pyramids by Terry Pratchett
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Fans of science fiction with a twist of Egyptology will really enjoy this entry into the Discworld series. "Pyramids" is basically an alternate history, asking what if the ancient pyramids really held magical powers, and what if those powers got out of hand? There is plenty of action, adventure, and comedy throughout the book as we follow the dead king - frustrated that he is being mummified, the new king and his camel (a brilliant mathematician; the camel, not the new king), and the pyramid builders as their world starts to unravel around them. Not for everyone, but if you like stories that are a bit "wacky" this one is for you. - Mr. Tony Silk (Harker teacher)

View all my reviews

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